Bible Reading Tips

Before I get to practical tips, I want to talk to you on a heart level.

I feel like Jeremiah 29:13 is the heart of the Father, "If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." He is not playing a cat and mouse game. He wants relationship with us more than anything. His Word is one of the main ways we get to know Him. But He gives us the choice, because he loves us. If he forced himself on us, it would no longer be love, it would be slavery. He wants to be found. The choice is ours. Do we want to find Him?

I was twenty six years old the first time I opened the Bible. I felt intimidated and overwhelmed. I did not know where to begin! So if the Bible intimidates you let me encourage you, you are not alone! The goal of this blog post is to encourage you and give you a few practical tips to get started and dig deeper.

My Bible reading journey began in 2009. I was given a "Read the Bible in a Year" reading plan at church one Sunday. On this small sheet of paper, 365 days were listed with a reading assignment for each day. So I began reading and putting a check in the box. Honestly, I liked the check in the box, I liked completing my assignment, but as far as the reading material... I did not understand much. It felt like a foreign language to me. But I kept reading...

Isaiah 55:11 says, "So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."

Reading the Bible is never useless. Time spent in the Word always produces results. In my early days of reading I did NOT see any results. I was bored, confused, and frustrated. But then one day, a verse came to mind. I couldn't recite it exactly, but I knew the gist of it. And you know what, it was exactly what I needed in that moment. And over time, more verses began to pop into my head. And they were always words of comfort, encouragement, and instruction. Hebrews 4:12 says that the word is alive and active. But it took time for this to become a reality in my life. So if you are just getting started, be patient and keep reading. I promise it does become fun and exciting, alive and active!

Today reading my Bible is not a chore or a check list. I look forward to it. The more I read, the more I want to read. Because it is where I get to know my Father more. It is where He guides and instructs, corrects and disciplines, encourages and equips me. It is in the Word where I discover my unique, specific purpose for life. It is where God reveals my true identity and speaks love and life over me. 

So without further ado...


1. Where to buy a Bible
This might seem obvious, but I had no clue where to buy a Bible! I did not know if stores like Barnes & Noble or Walmart sold Bibles or not (they do!) My first choice is LifeWay because they have the best selection. But if that store is not in your town, here are a few of my favorites:

New Believer's Bible

NIV, Women's Devotional Bible *this was my first Bible
Every Man's Bible NLT
She Reads Truth Bible This is hands down the most beautiful Bible! I highly recommend signing up for their daily emails

2. Choosing a Bible

I did not realize there were different kinds of Bibles. I thought a Bible was a Bible. But the first time I walked into a Lifeway store, I quickly realized this was not the case! There were different translations, study Bibles, devotional Bibles, colored ones, leather ones, small ones, gigantic ones. I am pretty sure I left the store empty handed the first time I went because I was so overwhelmed!

As far as translation, I would suggest the New Living Translation (NLT) to start with. I find it easy to read. But I would also recommend finding out what resonates with youTry out the NIV, ESV, GNT, and MSG translations. Download the YouVersion Bible app (it's free) to read different translations. I love randomly picking translations I've never read before to see what they are like!

I really enjoyed a women's devotional Bible in my early years. Devotions are written to offer inspiration, candid perspectives, and guidance from the Bible. Today I have a leather bound, NIV journaling Bible. Over time as you grow and become more comfortable with the Word, you'll find the right fit for you. But at the end of the day, just get in the Word. Colors, devotionals, translations, they are just details. God is not confined to any of these options.

3. Read it
Read the Bible every day. Read it when you feel like it. Read it when you don't feel like it. Our Pastor John Mark says all the time, "Pick a plan and read it. Pick a plan and read it." The YouVersion Bible app has so many plans to choose from! Scroll through and find one that intrigues you. I am currently doing "THE BIBLE in a year" plan. I love knowing where to open my Bible and start reading every day. Sure the magic flip can be fun (anyone else ever do this? You randomly open a page and expect to find the exact word you need!) My friends, this is called lazy. Yes, God is fully capable and sometimes gracious enough to provide through this random method, but we will see much more fruit when we are intentional.

I was bored the first year I read the Bible, but words can not express how grateful I am for that time. I am grateful the Holy Spirit developed this habit in me early. I am grateful He was my personal teacher. Today I am no longer bored, I am excited!

And last but not least, DO NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT READING YOUR BIBLE. I get it. You are sitting in a quiet room, reading, drinking coffee, this may feel like an indulgence. You may feel like you should be doing the dishes, the laundry, writing the days to-do list, working...  Sweet friends, this is the absolute best thing you can do not only for yourself, but everyone else around you. Take the time. Schedule the time. Make the time. Be intentional. Put it on your calendar, set an alarm, do what you need to do. Do not feel guilty. 

Speaking of guilt, if you do miss a day (because you will) do not feel guilty then either. Just pick up where you left off, and keep on truckin'.

4. Do you want to be right or do you want to hear from God?

Isaiah 55:8-9 says “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Often times you are not going to like what you read. It might be convicting. It might instruct you to do something hard like forgive or serve others before yourself. I try my best to open the Bible with an open mind. I think the key is wanting to know God's ways, instead of assuming we already know the answers. 


1. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you
Here is my number one suggestion for digging deeper into the Bible – ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. Tools and resources are just that. The Spirit is the SOURCE. Go to Him first. Sit and mediate on what the Bible says, journal, write the word, ask God questions, give him time to respond. THEN use the tools.

He promises to teach you in John 14:26, "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

2. Read multiple translations
I like seeing different adjectives throughout the various translations. It helps paint a clearer picture for me.  It helps me think about the verse deeper.  I use the more conversational translations: NLT, MSG, TPT to read full chapter(s) to understand the context.

Then I use the AMPC and AMP translations to dig deeper. These translations uses synonyms and definitions, that explain and expand the meaning of words in the text by placing the amplification in parentheses, brackets, and after key words. They also give cross-references and supporting Scriptures. These are fun rabbit holes to go down. provides multiple translations of a single verse on one page. I go this website quite a bit.

3. Blue Letter Bible App
I mainly use this app for the Interlinear/ Concordance and the Commentaries.

Interlinear/ Concordance: Here you can study the original Hebrew/Greek language. If anyone has any suggestions of how to study this deeper, I am all ears!

The commentaries I usually read are:
1. David Guzik
2. Matthew Henry
3. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown

I especially love reading commentaries for the Old Testament. I recently read the book of Numbers. When I sat down to read it, I thought to myself "boring!" Want to know what God said to me? He said "If you approach this as boring it is going to be boring. But if you approach this believing I included it for a reason and I have something to show you, you will find treasure." I found treasure. But it took some digging.

4. Bible Journaling
I use my journaling Bible for studying, not for creative purposes. (Although I do love that art form!)
I use highlighters and Pilot Precise pens to write in my Bible. This is my color code system:
PINK: Cross-References.  These are other Bible passages that relate to the one another. They add meaning and often times help me understand difficult passages better. This is a great article on how to use cross-references.
GREEN: Different Translations.  My Journal Bible is an NIV. If I read a different translation that really stands out to me, I write down that version in the margins. Often times I write an AMP version that better explains a passage, or MSG that speaks to me personally. 
ORANGE & BLACK:  Definitions. I highlight a word in orange, then write the definition in black. Sometimes it is from the dictionary, but more often that not, I write down the original Greek or Hebrew language. 
PURPLE: Commentary and Sermon Notes. When a commentary really resonates with me, I write it in the margins. I have a separate journal for sermon notes, so most of my notes from church or podcasts are in there, but every now and then, I write down something a pastor said in my Bible.
YELLOW: Repeated words.  When I see a word or phrase repeated multiple times I highlight them. When God says something once we should always listen, when he says it twice really pay attention, when he says it three times He is really trying to make a point!
BLUE: My notes and comments.  I write down my thoughts and the specific things that God speaks to me. Every major life decision over the past three years (that is how long I've had this particular Bible and system) is written in my Bible. Specific purposes for my life, and promises for our family are circled and dated throughout my Bible.

5. Search the Scriptures
If you are a homework person, then this book is for you! I use it off and on, depending on season of life and what God is teaching me. But I truly love this book! You can order it here. 


"But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves." James 1:22

We can read all day long, but unless we are putting God's Word into ACTION, we are deceiving ourselves. We are transformed when we practice what God says. Will we do it perfectly? Of course not. But little by little, one obedient step at a time, we are becoming more like Jesus. Our job as Christians is to be His hands and feet, to finish the work He started. And my goodness, look around, the world desperately needs more people who are walking into their schools, the grocery store, and work place shining the light of Christ. We simply need to raise our hand, and in our heart say "Here I am. You can use me. Show me the way." And He will. Who is with me?


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